Choose a lesson plan from an index and link menu Click here to see . Get ideas that will be enjoyable to your children and at the same time teach them truths from the Bible.

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Children enjoying a Bible Lesson

Enjoyable Bible Lesson Plans gives you ideas and sources That i have found.  CLICK HERE TO SEE   They will help you to teach young children lessons about God’s Word and His love for them, while holding their interest and making it enjoyable,  even exciting,  for them.

You  can engage the children in the process of learning God’s Word and enjoying it, even getting excited about it. These lessons are designed to give you some help in using and finding ways to involve them and keep their interest.

As a teacher, leader or parent,  teaching Bible lessons to children and having them enjoy it is an awesome privilege and responsibility, well worth the effort. 

It is rewarding to see their faces light up when  songs, videos,  and props  help them get involved.  Younger children respond better to graphics rather than abstract words.  A puppet story with a character similar to them that they can relate to,  better teaches the principles of the lesson than just the saying of the words.

 It is important the the children  have fun while learning the Bible truths.  The truth that God is love and that he loves them is very important.  It opens up their heart to Him.   I have seen this happen and it is worth the prayer and preparation.

I get ideas from various sources which I list in my ideas and sources post linked to in first Paragraph.  My favorite find for the 3 year old age group is the video set I am linking for you here.  The children really respond to them and usually ask to see the story again.   Check it out here  DVD BIBLE SERIES