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Tree young Men Illustrated by

These Young Men obeyed God instead of a King

They were thrown into a furnace.

Principle: Three young men went in but he king saw four men and they were not burning. Then the first three came out not even smelling of smoke. Obeying God’s Word protects me.

Bible Verse: Daniel 3:1-30

Songs: My God is so big so strong and so mighty: I don’t have to be afraid; To the tune of God is so good:God’s Word is true, God’s Word is true, God’s Word is true His words all for me! He gave me love, He gave me love, He gave me love His words all for me. He gave me joy, He gave me joy, He gave me joy His Word’s all for  me.  ( Find Songs)

Have them tell what God has given us (flowers, tree, moms, dads, food, etc. (show them pictures)

Props: Big red candle (talk about heat, fire, and danger)Picture of a god (show them what the king wanted them to do – bow down. sad and happy faces on popcycles. (See Resoures)

Video: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 3 – 9 (Find Video)

Lesson: There were 3 men named Shadrach, Misach, and Abendigo ( The king gave them these names) loved God and obeyed His laws and had favor with the king.  Bur the king wanted them to bow down to a idol made of gold.  But they would only bow to God

So the king got so made that he threw them in the fire. – They said “God will save us and even if he would not we would not bow down to the idol.”  And God did save them – He got in with them and it was like a heat shield.  They didn’t even get hot and when the king saw that there were four men and they were not hurt he was so suprised and excited that he began to thank and praise God and made every body else do it too.

Let’s  praise God like they did.   Use songs like I will enter His Gates and I am special. (Find Songs)

Have them tell what God has given us 

Puppet Show: T = Teacher and J = Jack

T: Hi Jack how are you today?

J:  I am really good now and thankful to God.

T: What Happened?

J:  Well some boys from school came over and asked me to go to the park with them.  I wouldn’t go so they made fun of me and hit me.  I asked Jesus to help me and he did.  He sent my mom outside and she saw what was happening and made them stop.  She told them I was obeying her because she told me not to go to the park.  They she invited them in to eat some brownies,  They were really good and I am so glad Jesus sent my mom out to help me when  I asked for help.

T:  I am glad too.  And now it looks like you have some new friends too. Lets say thank you to Jesus for help Jack,

(Any one who wants one gets a  puppet kiss.)

If time give them  faces on pop sickle sticks( one side has smile and the other has frown) They show smile for obeying and frown for disobeying.

Mom tells you to go to bed and you do it

Dad says not to walk on the couch but you forget and do it

Grandma says those cookies are for later so you don’t eat one

Mom says don’t splash water on the floor when you are taking a bath but you are playing you are in the ocean and you forget

(remember if you have a hard time obeying you can ask Jesus to help you and he will.)


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Three Young Men Props