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Good Samaritan


Principles Good Samaritan: Jesus told us a story so that we would know that is important to help others – We show our love when we do.

Bible Verse Good Samaritan: Luke 10: 25-37

Songs Good Samaritan: Jesus loves the Little Children; This Little Light of Mine: Jesus Loves me (Find Songs)

Video Good Samaritan: ” Jesus through Children’s Eyes” – shows the Parable (Find the Video)

Props Good Samaritan: Have children put bandages on cloth dolls.  Use last lesson on how you can help others. (Find Sources) Picture of Props below.

Lesson Good Samaritan:  Jesus was teaching and a lawyer asked him how he could always live.  Jesus told him to love The Lord with all his heart and mind and soul and love his neighbor as he loved himself.  He wanted to know eho his neigbor was so Jesus told him a story.

This is the story:   A man was going  on a trip and some robbers came and took his money and beat him up.  (In the time Jesus lived there were no cars – people either walked or rode donkeys or horses or camels.  

Some important people saw him lying beaten up and they passed him up and didn’t help him.  Then a Samaritan came by and saw him (the people who lived where Jesus did didn’t like Samaritans).  He thought “Oh no he is hurt so bad I am going to help him.”  So he put him on his donkey and took him to a clinic and paid for them to clean his wounds and stitch them up. 

Jesu asked the people who He was teaching – Which one of these three men was a neighbor to the man who was attacked.  Everybody said – ” it was the man who helped the hurt man.  Jesus told the mn who asked how to have life always ” Go and do things like the Samaritan did!”

Show the video.

Puppet Show Good Samaritan: T = Teacher J= Joey

T: Joey you look very tired.

J:  I am tired – I got lost today for a long time.  I asked one man to help me and he said “Go away little boy I am too busy.  So I asked a lady and she said ” I have a hair appointment I don’t have time to help you.  The next person who came by pretended he did’t hear me.  I started to be afraid.  So I asked Jesus to help me.

T:  And He did help you because now you are home.

J:  A policeman saw me crying and took me home.  My mom was so grateful because she was worried about me.  She was praying to Jesus also to find me.

T:  We are glad you are home too.  (Give puppet kisses to those who want them)

Act out the story using a stick horse.  Have them find the story of the Good Samaritan in the picture Bibles.

Use this heart story to show them how to ask Jesus into their heart. 

Put on a dirty ragged shirt with a big red heart pinned to it with dirt all over it.  Say this is what we look like without Jesus.  When Jesus comes into our heart He cleans us up.  What makes us dirty is sin and God’s Word says everyone has sinned.  I am going to show up pictures of what sin is. ((Some one with angry face – someone who won’t clean up his room (does not obey) telling a lie ,taking a toy etc.))

But if we ask Jesus in our heart he will clean our heart and when we want to sin we can ask him to help us do what is good and He will do it.   Tell them – “If anyone wants Jesus to come into your heart you can say this with me. Jesus I know you died on the cross for me and rose again.   I am sorry for any bad things I have done. I want you to come into my life and into my heart.”  Jesus came in because you asked him to.

Take off the ragged shirt and pin clean heart on yourself.  Now you can ask Jesus to help you and He will.    Show pictures of children obeying.  show them a red heart with Jesus inside.


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Props for Good Samaritan