Noah Obeys God. God uses Noah To Make An Ark

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Noah Obeys God

Because Noah obeyed The Animals and His People were Saved.

Noah Obeys God Bible Lesson Plan Day 1

Scripture Verse Noah Obeys God: Genesis 6:8-22

For Noah Obeys God Use the large NOAH book  as you tell the Bible account of what happened in a way they can relate to. Find Here

Principles Noah Obeys God: Together we help each other succeed. We choose to obey God by doing what His Word says – not what by doing what other people think is important.

Songs Noah obeys God: Noah loved God and He talked to God. He was special to God just like you are. (Hand out small mirrors to each child and sing) “I am special I am special to the Lord – Oh the Lord I love Him so and I’ll let the whole world know. I am special I am special to the Lord”                            (Find these songs) 
Bible Lesson: God asked Noah to build an Ark and Noah said “Yes I will”. People laughed at him but he didn’t care.  He loved God and wanted to do what God asked him to do.   We can do what God says too – God’s word says ” Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.” Colossians 3:20 Sing “o-b-e-y” obey your mom and dad. Listen to the words they say obey your parents every day. O-b-e-y Obey your mom and dad.
Show them pictures of Children obeying and disobeying  and have them tell you what is the best.  We can obey just like Noah did.  (Be positive – don’t make them feel guilty .  I tell them that if we have trouble obeying we can ask Jesus to help us and He will.)

Puppet Show Noah obeys God: ( I don’t use a stage – just have the puppet talk in a  different voice – The children have good imaginations – You can see them following what he (she) is saying.)  S is for Stanley and T is for Teacher
S Hi I’m Stanley!
T Hi Stanley !
T Stanley – You look happy today.
S Oh I am so happy I get to go swimming today.
T That’s good it is a hot day.
S You know I used to always be in trouble and so I didn’t get to go swimming
T You must have been really bad!
S Yes I was.  I wouldn’t listen to what my mom said and I threw food and jumped up and down on my bed and ran water all over the bathroom floor and I wouldn’t eat my supper and…
T Stop, stop stop!  Wow why aren’t you in trouble now?
S Well I found out God loved me and he would help me to be good if I asked him so I did, and then I listened to my mom and stopped being so much trouble. I forgot to brush my teeth yesterday. But I did – when my mom told me to,  and I get to go swimming today!!!!!!!!!!

(I give puppet kisses to the children who want one – Make sure you don’t  scare them .  I just brush them on the cheek with its mouth.  I have the puppet whisper in my ear and I tell them puppets like to give kisses, but only if you want one.)

Noah obeys God Bible lesson Plan Day 2

Principles Noah obeys God: Do right thing even if friends don’t .  God made us with arms and legs and teeth and we are strong (masterpieces) when we obey God we are protected.

Lesson Noah obeys God: We are going to be a good friend to Noah = we are going to help him build the Ark. He is going to build it just like God told him to!  He is obeying!  (You can have a Noah puppet with a hammer)  (This is really fun for the kids!)Give them hammers and let them hammer on a cardboard box replicating Noah’s Ark. (see Prop Picture at the end of these lessons) I use plastic blow up hammers from Amazon – 12 for $7.00 safe and cheap

As they hammer sing to the tune of Hi Ho the Merry Oh:  “Noh built an Ark, Noah build an Ark Hi ho the merry oh Noah built an Ark
Our hammer goes wack ,wack. Our hammer goes wack wack, Hi Ho the merry oh Our hammer goes wack ,wack.  Our hammer goes wack ,wack Our hammer goes wack wack Hi Ho the Merry oh. Our hammer goes wack, wack”

Say – “We  get tired but we keep going because we are helping Noah build his Ark and we are his friend!

Puppet Show Noah obeys God:
S Boy I’m tired!
T What did you do?
S Well I helped my dad wash the car and then he put on the wax and I polished it with a rag. Then my mom needed me to watch my baby brother and I played with him for a long time! I’m a good helper when I obey my mom and dad!
T That is true and they take good care of you and they are happy when you help.
S Yes – my mom said because I helped with my brother she got her cake finished and she made a little one just for me!
T  And you made God happy too – when you obey, He can give you blessings. (Ask if they want a the Puppet kiss)

Sing O-b-e-y song: (see Day 1)

If you have time you can play a game .  Play music  – They hurry to the ark before the music stops.  Whoever makes it wins.

Noah Obeys God Bible Lesson Plan Day 3

Principle Noah obeys God: God takes care of us when we obey.  It is good to be nice to others.

The animals come into the Ark – God spoke to the animals and they came two by two and four by four We can speak to God too, just like we do to our friends.

Songs and Lesson: Sing to tune of ” The Ants came marching”:

” The animals came marching two by two hurrah hurrah, the animals came marching two by two hurrah hurrah, the elephants and the giraffes and the Kangaroos.  They all came marching down to the Ark to get out of the rain boom boom boom.”

So Noah finished building the ark – And sure enough the animals came because God told them to. God talks to animals and he talks to us too if we will listen.  If you are quiet you can hear Him.

Song: Sing to tune of “Farmer in the Dell”

Mr Noah built an Ark eieioh and on that Ark two cows came in eieioh
With a MO MO here and a MO MO there Here a MO there a Mo everywhere a MO MO
Mr Noah built an Ark eieioh
and on that Ark two pigs came in eieioh with an oink oink here and a oink oink there. Here an oink there an oink everywhere an oink oink
Mr Noah built an Ark eieioh
and on that Ark two ducks came in eieioh with an quack quack here and a quack quack there. Here an Quack there an quack everywhere an quack quack Mr Noah built an Ark eieioh
And on that ark too lions came  eieioh with a roar roar here and a roar roar there, here a roar there a roar everywhere a roar roar
And on that ark there two pigs came in eieioh with an oink oink here and a oink oink there. Here an oink there an oink everywhere an oink oink
Mr Noah built an Ark eieioh”
And Mr Noah had to help the animals out so they didn’t hurt each other. He had to lead them to the right places to stay. Boy it must have been noisy until they all went to sleep. It had to be a really big boat.

Show the picture of the Ark from Denmark  It has changed from the one I copied a few years ago.
Puppet Show: small animal puppet, Teacher
AP: Boy Oh Boy This riding in a big boat sure is rough. I’m glad Noah put us in pens. I was really scared of the lion until I talked to him – He was really friendly.
T After you play with someone you find out they are fun and nice. Playing with one another is nice.
AP Yeah I was playing with Rabbit Joe and we had lots of fun – it made the time go faster.
T Did you make any other friends?
AP Yes I did I was just walking around and I hurt my toe and this big giraffe licked it with his tongue And made it feel better. And Mr Raccoon told us stories before bedtime so it was easy to go to sleep.
T You met some good friends
Y Yes I did – I am glad I didn’t listen to Mr Skunk – He said I am going to stay in my pen so everyone will leave me alone – and he sure got lonesome.
T See you later it was good talking to you.  (Ask if they want a puppet kiss!)

Noah Obeys God Bible Lesson Plan Day 4

Principles Noah obeys God: Even when I don’t feel like it I obey and God answers prayers for what we need with power. God is faithful today just like in Noah’s time.

Lesson Noah obeys God: The Ark was in the water 150 days. That was a LONG time. (You can count the days – they like to count)  Finally it stopped on a mountain and Noah opened a window and  looked out. (have everybody put thier hand over their eyes and stare.)  (Emphasize the 7 days ). He did that for 7 days and then he sent a dove (Show a dove – I have a soft toy one) to fly away and see if there was dry land. The dove listened and obeyed and flew off. She came back because she didn’t find any land. in 7 more days when he sent her again she came back with an olive branch in her mouth. He sent her in another 7 days she didn’t come back. Noah waited 7 more days and God told him to go out of the Ark and let all of the animals go. Noah did that.  You can show the large Noah book here also – showing all the animals leaving.

Song Noah obeys God: to the tune of the ants went marching.

The animals went marching out of the Ark to get out to the Land Hurrah, Hurrah the animals came marching two by two Hurrah Hurrah, the elephants and the giraffes and the Kangaroos went marching out of the Ark to get out to the land  Hurrah, Hurrah Hurrah.”
When Noah and his family prayed to God he showed them a rainbow and He said that he was showing them a rainbow to help them remember that   He made a promise  that water wouldn’t cover the whole earth. God did  keep it. A rainbow shows up in a cloud after it rains to show that God keeps His promises and remembers us.  You can show pictures of all the people in the Bible that God gave promises to.  And He kept his promises! To get these pictures see 

You can see a rainbow on a CD when you shine a light on it.  If it is light enough in the room you wont need a flashlight. (I have lots of old CD’s – for 2 and 3 year old’s use a glove because they can be sharp to hold)

Puppet Show Noah obeys God:
S I am so glad it’s Thursday
T Do you like Thursday?
S I like this Thursday because my grandma is coming
T You must really love your grandma
S Yes I do and she loves me so much.
T Just like God does!
S And my grandma keeps her promises. She said she is coming back in 3 months and bringing me a present. My mom is on the way to get her from the airplane.
T You had to wait a long time but she IS COMING!
S YES – I have it go clean up my room before grandma comes. I obey my mom now and help her  but I want to give some puppet kisses first! (ask who wants puppet kisses and only gently give one to those who want one.)

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