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http://freebibleimages.org/The Holy Spirit Comes

The Lord gave the Holy Spirit To the Disciples just as He promised

When Jesus got ready to go away He told his friends (disciples) He would be sending Him.

Principles Holy Spirit:  When Jesus went away He  promised to Send the Holy Spirit to help us and give us gifts like Wisdom and He did.  He will always be with us.  He will send Him to us also but we won’t be able to see Him.  We can’t see the wind but it is there.  Fan doesn’t work until you plug it in.

Bible Verse :  John 16:7 and Acts 2:4

Songs : I’ve got that Joy;  I will listen; I am Special (Find Songs in “Sons we Love to Sing during Bible Lessons”    (Sing these songs at the end) Song Sources

Video : Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 2 # 13

Props: 4 Gift Bags – Pinwheels, small Fan, flashlight, blanket.  Also a hat thata hides a bunny in the top.This is one lesson so not everything can be taught in detail.

Bible Lesson:  Jesus lived with us for 30 years but it was time for Him to go away.  That made his friends very sad.  But he told them not to be sad because  He was sending them a helper who would give them gifts.  We know what gifts are (show them the bags but not what is in them).  And Jesus kept his promise.  This is what happened.  All of His friends were in a room praying.  When they heard the wind (like this – make a wooshing sound) and then fire came in the room and sat on top of their heads (it didn’t burn them).  Their friend the Holy Spirit had come! 

They couldn’t see him. (Show the hat it looks empty but show them the bunny under the flap on the top.  We don’t see the Holy Spirit but he is there.  Show them the fan and the pinwheels.  Show how the fan or pinwheels will not move without power.  We see them move but we don’t see what makes them move.  Plug in the fan and let them put the pinwheels close so they will turn – They will love doing this.) 

That is what our helper – The Holy Spirit does.  We can’t see him just like we can’t see the wind.  But we can see His power.  When He came the Friends of Jesus spoke in tongues (many of your moms and dads do that and you can too.  Then they went out and told everybody about Jesus.  You can do that too, because the Holy Spirit will help you and give you the right words to say.  If you want the Holy Spirit to help you and give you power (show last two presents –  Just like a flashlight that has power can help you see and a warm blanket makes your feel better when you are sick, The Holy Spirit will help you when you ask Him. And he will comfort you when you need him to. )

You can ask Him to come and give you this power and He will.  We all need to be very quiet.  If you want Him to come in all you have to do is say “YES” and he will.  And He will talk to you if you will listen.  Our friend Joey will tell you how that happens.

Puppet Show:  T = Teacher J = Joey

J Hi boys and Girls.  I wanted the Holy Spirit and He came to me.  and now when I need help from him  all I have to do is ask for help and listen.

T  That’s Right Joey just like you listened when your mom told you to how to put on your socks and now you can do it by yourself.

J I ask Him for help and he does help me.  And he gives me courage when my friend called me a sissy for not fighting and I told him about how Jesus loves us and wants us to love each other.

T That’s right Joey and I am going  to read  a story about a grandpa that shows us what the Holy Spirit does for us..  (Find the story in “Where to find the the resources mentioned in the lesson”.) This story is too long for 3 year old but you can tell it  in a short form and tell them the grandpa gave them joy, helped them to do what their parents said,  and kept them from being afraid.

Now lets all be very quiet and close your eyes.  If you want the helper – the Holy Spirit just whisper yes.  (wait until everyone gets restless.  Then sing the songs.  The friends of Jesus got JOY when the helper  – the Holy Spirit came Lets sing our Joy Song.

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Holy Spirit Props