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Pauls God

Pauls God helped him when he was saved, then taught about Jesus, and in his other adventures when he was in trouble.

  • Bible Lesson: Pauls God Plan Day 1
  • Bible Verse Pauls God: Acts 9: 1-19
  • Principles Pauls God: Pauls God loved him even when he persecutes Christians. God came to him and Paul is saved
  • Songs: Jesus loves the little children  All the children of the world “I am special I am special to the Lord – Oh the Lord I love Him so and I’ll let the whole world know. I am special I am special to the Lord” *Children Of Grace Worship published by Grace Church St Louis (Find Songs)
  • Bible Lesson Pauls God: Use the Heart Story to show what we look like on the inside if Jesus is not in our heart. ( Put on a dirty ragged shirt with a big red heart pinned to it with dirt all over it.  Say this is what we look like without Jesus.  When Jesus comes into our heart He cleans us up.  What makes us dirty is sin and God’s Word says everyone has sinned )
  • Paul’s name used to be Saul.  And Saul thought people should never make mistakes.  He was so sure of that, that he became mean.  He didn’t believe Jesus was God and he went into people’s houses who were Christians and had Jesus in their hearts. 
  • These people lived in Jerusalem.  Saul dragged them out of their houses and put them in prison.  He went to the rulers who were also mean and got letters to go to a city called Damascus and do the same thing in Damascus. 
  • But guess what happened – God knew what he was doing and people were praying for Saul so God came down the power in a very strong light and asked him ‘why are you persecuting me?”  Paul asked who he was.  And he said I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. 
  • When you hurt Gods people it hurts Jesus.  Paul was blind from the light and Jesus told him to go to Damascus and wait for Ananias to come.  So he did. 
  • Ananias did not want to go because Saul was hurting people but he obeyed God and went to Saul and prayed and Jesus healed his eyes
  • Then Paul asked Jesus in his heart and got baptized and he wasn’t mean any more and he began to tell people all over the world about Jesus.
    (Use flashlight to show light. A STRONG light knocked Paul off his horse and blinded him.  Give them flashlights.
    Play the Video Read & Share DVD Bible on 3 #11 (find video)
    :– T = Teacher L=  Leonard  
    L –I am not the same anymore
    T – Your not?– you look the same!
    L – But I am not on the inside – before I was mean – do you know that I did mean things – like stomped on Mr. Greens flowers and took Kim’s ice cream and threw it on the ground.  One time I even threw water on a kitten.
    T – Wow! That was mean – did the kitten cry?
    L – Yes but I didn’t care -I was mad at everybody. One day someone was so kind to me that I changed and then I heard that Jesus loved me and I could ask him in my heart and he would come in and help me.  So I told Jesus I was sorry for all the mean things I had done and I asked Him in my heart – I wasn’t glad I was mean so I asked him to help me.  And He did – I don’t want to do mean things anymore – I am different.  I want to help people.
    T- I am glad and I bet you are happy now too.  (take off the shirt with the dirty heart and show them the clean heart with Jesus on it.
    L – Oh yes I am so happy!!!!!!!
    (I give puppet kisses to the children who want one – Make sure you don’t  scare them .  I just brush them on the cheek with its mouth.  I have the puppet whisper in my ear and I tell them puppets like to give kisses, but only if you want one.)
    Paul Bible Lesson Plan Day 2
  • Bible Verse: Acts 13:3
    Principles: What it means to be saved
  • 1st missionary journey (no movie for this)
    Songs: This little light of mine
  • “Knock Knock someones knocking on my heart what should I answer”Children Of Grace Worship” published by Grace Church St Louis
  • Show pictures of Paul preaching to crowds of people (see sources)
  • Talk about how he walked and walked and walked to be able to tell people about Jesus.  He would then baptize them and get this filled up with the Spirit and all their lives were changed.  They hadn’t heard of Jesus before. Now they heard and could be changed on the inside too. (remind them of the heart story.)
    Puppet Show: T = Teacher L = Leonard
    L = Hey teacher I am going on a trip with my mom – it is going to be so much fun.
    T – That’s wonderful Leonard – Are you going to see new things>
    L – Yes and I get to play in a water park and eat pizza and ice cream.
    T – That will be so much fun!
    L – Yes and also I asked Jesus to help  me – I want him to let me know if someone needs to change like I did. I want Him to give me the right words to say.  That will be so much fun.
    T – that is wonderful Leonard and today we heard about how Paul did that.  He went to a lot of different places and told people about Jesus.  Sometimes Jesus spoke to his heart and told him where to go and sometimes where not to go.  Before he started going, his Church group prayed for him and Barnabas and asked God to show him where to go.  And God did – here is a map of all the places Paul went to – let’s count them. This is a map of all the cities Paul went to – to
    tell them about Jesus.
     ( I printed a map from the internet – Don’t remember where it was.)
    He had to walk or ride in a ship to get there – they didn’t have cars and buses and airplanes like we do – They could ride on camels or horses, or in Carts, or in Chariots or they could walk.  Paul did a LOT of walking because he wanted people to know about Jesus and be saved like Leonard.  (Give Puppet kisses if they want one)
    Pauls God Bible Lesson Plan Day 3 Acts 16:16
    Principles:  Paul and Silas sang praises. Don’t fret or be afraid! Praise God when you are in trouble and he will help you.
    Song: My God is so Big so strong and so mighty there’s nothing My God cannot do – Oh no! (Find songs)
    Give them maracas and cymbals. (see sources)
  • Show pictures 
    Well Paul did what God told him to do when he was in Philippi and there was a possessed girl who told people what to do and her owners got paid because she did. 
  • Paul waited a while but finally he got fed up and told the devil to get out of that girl and it did. But she was a slave and the people who owned her got mad and had Paul and Silas beat up put in prison. 
  • But Paul and Silas did not get angry and cry.  (pretend to cry and get upset)  – They were all beat up and hurt but they praised God and sang worship songs. Sing with them these Songs:
    In the name of Jesus , In the name of Jesus I’ve got the Victory – In the name of Jesus Demons will have to flee cause in the name of Jesus ,Jesus we’ve got the victory.
     I’ve that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, WHERE? Down in my heart.  I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart down in my heart WHERE? down in my heart to stay and
     The joy of the Lord is my strength
     Halelu, halelu,halelu, halleluiah Praise ye the Lord (find songs)
    Do you know what God did? He made an earth quake and it shook the building they were in and everybody’s chains fell off
  • All the prisoners heard and were watching.  The jailer got scared and was going to kill himself Paul yelled “We are all here!” so he didn’t.
  • The jailer then asked how to be saved and Paul told him. He and all his family asked Jesus in their heart just like Leonard did. 
  • Later when the police and Mayor found out Paul was a Roman citizen they let him out of jail.
  • Read and Share DVD Bible Video 3 #1 2 – Our Bookstore bought the 4 Video set from Anchor Distributors – it is perfect for 2 and 3 year old’s – simple, short and biblical (Find Video)
  • Puppet Show :–T – Teacher L – Leonard
    L – I saw a scary movie about a witch and somebody who looked into a ball and told people what would happen to them.  It was creepy – I only want God to tell me what to do – not people like that.
    T – That’s good Leonard – Only God can show us what to do and we can know bunches and bunches of what He wants us to do in the Bible – like doing what our moms and dads say.
    L – When I get bigger I can read the bible and find out
    T – That’s right Leonard and now you can ask your mom to read the bible to you and tell you what God says in the Bible, and you can listen in class here at Children’s Church
    L – Yes, I am going to do that!
    Paul Bible Lesson Plan Day 4
  • Bible Verse: Acts 27
    Principles: Pauls God saved him from a shipwreck and a snake bite. God will take care of you no matter what.  Think of other people sometimes.
  • Songs :
    Excuse me sir but the bible says Children Of Grace Worship published by Grace Church St Louis
  • There’s power in the blood (find songs)
  • Bible Lesson: Give them rubber snakes.    Have picture of a ship or if you can find a ship to scale bring it. Tell how Paul didn’t want them to take him on the ship because God sent and angel to warn him that the ship would be in a storm but they would not listen to him. 
  • When it did happen the angel said they would all get onto land safe.  At first it didn’t look like they would all be safe but those that couldn’t swim hung onto boards and they all floated safely to an island.
  • They were wet and cold and Paul started a fire.  A viper is a snake that has fangs and bites you. It poisons you – everybody thought he was going to die but he didn’t and anybody on the island that was sick came and asked him to pray for them – He asked God to heal them and they were healed!!!!  Paul sure became a kind man – not like before.
  • Video: Read and Share DVD Bible3  #13 (Find Video)
  • Puppet Show : Teacher and Leonard
    T – Leonard did you like that story.
    L – Oh yes I did!  Do you think I could pray for someone who is sick to get healed?
    T – Of course you can Jesus says in the Bible “Its right here in James 5:15 “ And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up.  And Jesus said in Mark 16:  They that believe shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.”
    L – Well then I will do what Jesus says!!!!!!
    T – Be sure to ask people first – they will be glad you prayed for them.
    L- I will – would anyone like us to pray today?
    (Give puppet kisses if they want them.)
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Props For Pauls God