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Elijahs God helped Elijah http://freebibleimages.org/illustrations/

Elijahs God sent him on Great Adventures

Elijah showed God’s power to the people and God took care of him in trouble

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  1. Elijahs God and His Fire 

    Bible Verse: Elijahs God: 1 Kings 18

  2. Principle: Elijahs God hears and answers our prayers.  We need to make choices and ask for His help.
  3. Songs: My God is So Big ; If your saved and you know it; Elijah Song (find songs)

    Props:  cups, 2 small bean bags,Big red candle, pitcher of water, matches, felt fire, animals for sacrifice, pictures for choices. (sources for props) 

    Video: DVD Bible Volume 3 #7 Find Video

  4. Bible Lesson Elijahs God: God’s people made bad choices.  They were listening to their King instead of God. Their King let his wife tell them to worship an idol instead of God so God sent a prophet to them names Elijah.

  5. Elijah’s God had Elijah call everybody together for a big meeting and they all came. 450 Baal prophets called on their idol all morning but he didn’t answer. ( have the kids pretend to bow down) Then Elijah poured water all over his offering and called on God. (Pour water on red candle – try to light it – you cant)

  6. It looked like it couldn’t burn but God hears prayer and He sent fire down and it burned up the offering.   people changed their minds and said “the Lord he is God, The Lord He is God ” We know that God is the only true God and when we pray God answers. 
    Show this video:
    Read and Share DVD Bible Video Book 3 #7–(Find Video)

  7. Play a game with them to show good and bad choices.  Put 2 bean bags under 6 cups.  Children watch you and then try to remember which cups they are under.  (If you look and remember you can find them.  Then you don’t make bad a bad choice.  Lets look at these pictures and decide if it is a good or a bad choice.

  8. Puppet Show  Teacher and James

  9. T: Hello James you look really happy today
    J: I am I wanted a bike so bad but my dad said I need to wait until he got a raise. I was sad but then I remembered how Elijah asked God to bring the fire down and God did. 
    T: Did you think God would answer you like He did Elijah
    J: Yes because if we obey God He told us that we could ask and He would give it to us. (Matt 21:22)
    T: Is that why you are so happy – did you get the bike.
    J: Yes – I knew I had been obeying my mom and dad like God told me to so I asked him.
    T: So tell us, what happened?
    J: My grandma came over the next day with a bike for me. It had been Daddy’s bike when he was little and she was cleaning out her garage and found it.
    T: Wonderful!!!!!!!!
    (I give puppet kisses to the children who want one – Make sure you don’t  scare them .  I just brush them on the cheek with its mouth.  I have the puppet whisper in my ear and I tell them puppets like to give kisses, but only if you want one. )

  10. Elijah and the Oil that wouldn’t stop 

    Scripture Verse: 1 Kings 17

  11. Principles: God supplies all your needs don’t worry just ask for what you need and God will hear you when you obey.
  12. Songs : Songs :Jesus loves the little children; I am special:My God is so Big. (find songs)
  13. Props: Jars, oil , bread, birds, play jewelry, Sources for Props
  14. Video:  I could not find a video for this lesson but if you check online you may be able to find one you can use..  Otherwise use a  Bible with pictures.

  15. Bible Lesson: The Lord had Elijah tell The King that God was the God of his country and there would not be rain for three years. After he left the king God told him to go way to a brook and stay there. Birds came every day with food in their mouths for Elijah so he had food and water. But then the brook dried up so God told him to go to a town called Zarephath. ( ask them if they can say that word – some of them will try and you can make them feel good for trying ) . Elijah asked her for same bread and water. but she told him she only had a little bit of flour and oil and she needed it, she was out of food. He told her not to be afraid but to make the bread for him and if you do you will have plenty of food.  (God told him to tell her this.)

  16. Because the  Widow obeyed and made the bread and gave it to him,  the flour and oil didn’t run out – God kept filling it back up.  God did it for 3 years until the rain came.

  17. Puppet Show:

    Teacher and James
    T: Hi James are you having a good day?
    J: Today is a good day I got to go to the store with my mom and get a new robot.
    T: Was there a reason why ?
    J: yes – my mom’s friend came over to our house to talk and her son Tom came too. We were playing together and I gave him my robot to play with. He had so much fun playing with it. My mom asked me if I would let him have it because he didn’t have many toys and he liked it so much. I knew in my heart I should do that.

  18. T:  That was a good thing for you to do!

  19. But I didn’t want to.  So I asked Jesus to help me do the right thing.  I looked at my moms face and I knew that I should obey her. I even gave him the box that it came in. And I felt so good because he was so happy.
    T: It is a good feeling when we share.
    J: Yes but I needed the robot for class at school.  but I didn’t worry =  My mom knew that so she took me to the store and got me another one.

  20. Game: Give everyone a play ring.  Ask “Would anyone be willing to share their ring with someone else?”  Those that do get another ring and a bracelet.