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King Jehosaphat

The Lord did help King Jehosaphat and his people when they prayed and obeyed

They listened and sent Singers Before the Army

Principles: King Jehosaphat asked the God who answers prayer for help and he got help.

Bible Verse: 2 chronicles 20:12

Songs: Use musical instruments –

I’m in the Lord’s Army; When I go to Bed; My God is so big (find Songs)

Tell them to keep the instruments because we are going to use them like Jehosaphat’s army did.  God told them to praise Him and they did.  Give them soft swords. (buy from Amazon)

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King Jehosaphat Props

I didn’t find any books or videos for this lesson  but I show them pictures from The Beginners Bible. (Find Sources)

Bible Lesson King Jehosaphat: Jehosaphat was very upset because a king from another country had come to his country. He sent a messenger telling the people that their God could not save them from his army.

  Jehosaphat   talked to God saying ” We are looking to you because we don’t know what to do.”  God told Jehosaphat and the army not to worry “The battle is not yours but mine.  You will not have to fight.”  God told the Singers to go first and to praise God with their instruments.  It was scary but they did what God said and when they got to the battlefield they didn’t have anybody to fight. 

God confused the other country’s army. They starting fighting each other, then they ran away.  That army was too big for them but God took care of it.  They left lots of things behind that the people could use and they went back to Jerusalem singing and playing instruments. Now nobody would fight them.

It was God’s strength that did it. When we need God to help us obey , to have a good attitude, to share, or to help we can ask Him and He will help us. You can pray for other people when people need help and he will help them.   Lets play our instruments and sing like God’s people did. Give them swords and musical instruments. To the tune of Jesus loves me, sing:

When I worry help me pray

any time of night or day

when I worry help me sing

You help me in everything

Yes God I thank you

Yes God I thank you

Yes God I thank you In Jesus name amen.

Puppet Show: T =Teacher T J= Josiah

J: I saw a big dog last week and he barked and barked and you should have seen his teeth. It was scary – you should have seen his teeth

T:  Did you go another way today?

J: No – I heard about Jehospaht and how he asked God for help.  God helped him too.  So I asked God to keep me safe from that dog and today I went right by him.  He started to bark but his owner came out and said Sam (that’s the dog’s name) that is a nice boy you stop barking at him and let him pet you.  And I did pet him – so he won’t bark at me any more!

T: God helps us when we ask Him we don’t need to be afraid.  (I give puppet kisses to the children who want one – Make sure you don’t  scare them .  I just brush them on the cheek with its mouth.  I have the puppet whisper in my ear and I tell them puppets like to give kisses, but only if you want one.)

If you have time you can sing the song “when I go to bed”