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Nehemiahs God Illustrated by

Nehemiah God gave him favor with the king

Nehemiahs God helped him come to Jerusalem and help his people build a wall for safety.

Principles:  Nehemiahs God gave him favor and he was able to help his people.  With God’s help and working together we can do what God asks us to do.

Bible Verse: Nehemiah 1-7

Songs: My God is so big; Jesus loves me: To the Tune of “The Wise man built the house upon the rock; Nehemiah prayed as the Wall was being built (3X) And Jerusalem was safe/And many helped to build the wall with stones (3X)And Jerusalem was safe./ The people worshiped and prayed to the Lord  (3X)and Jerusalem was safe.  (Find Songs)

Scripture Verse: Nehemiah 1-7

Props Nehemiahs God: swords, tools, hearts, flashlight (Find Sources)

Lesson Nehemiahs God: Nehemiah was an important man who helped the king in Babylon.  He was very sad because he found out Jerusalem wasn’t safe because the walls had fallen down. He prayed to God for favoar and asked the king if he could have time off the help his people in Jerusalem. 

The king let him go and even sent money and supplies with him.  He was afraid because he didn’t have guards to guard him and the people who came with him. So he prayed and God kept them safe.  God took care of them. 

When he got to Jerusalem he had favor (with the people and men and women, young and old, carpenters and people who carry bricks) They helped him to build that wall in 52 days. 

They could not have done it without God’s help.  Some people tried to stop them so they had tools in one hand and swords in the other. and worked very hard with all their hearts and got it done. 

When they were finished they thanked God for helping them and asked him to forgive them for not obeying and bring  mean. 

I do not  have a video for this but used pictures and props. (see sources)

Puppet Show Nehemiahs God: T= Teacher P = Peter

T Hi Peter you look really tired.

P That’s because I am.  I worked very hard yesterday.  We had a sale for friends who had a fire in their house.

T  That was very special what did you do?

P I put all the things they bought in bags.  And I gave people water because it was hot.

T: Was it just you and your mom.

P Oh no, all the people in our neighborhood worked together and we got lots of money to help our friends get their house fixed

T: That was  special thing you guys did.

P  My mom said she prayed and God helped us to have a good sale and it was worth all the hard work.

(Give puppet kisses to those that want them )

If you have time play a game with a flashlight – everyone is trapped in a circle and if their feet get light on them they were able to get out of the circle.

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Props for Nehemiah’s God