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Daniels Dream (illustrated by)

Daniels Wisdom was from God

God gave it to him so he could tell the meaning of the king’s dreams

Principles: Daniels Wisdom was great. He got it from God.  How we can get God’s Wisdom when we need it.

Bible Verse: James 1:5 and Daniel 1&2

Songs: The Bible, O-B-E-Y , My God is so Big (Find Songs)

I did not find a video for this lesson – use Play Food, pictures of kings, and Daniel.  Give them miniature Bibles to hold and crowns to wear.  (Find Sources)

Bible Lesson:   Have them hold the bibles and tell them when they get older they will be able to read these words but now you can listen to what the Bible says and you can say some of the words over and over until you remember them like our verse today that says “If any of you need wisdom you should ask God for it.”  Then we will get some wisdom because God’s Word is full of Wisdom.  You can also ask God to give you Wisdom like Daniel did.  Wisdom lets you understand something you didn’t know before – like when your mom told you that the stove is hot so don’t touch it.  If you did touch it you found out that it is so hot it burns your hand. 

Daniel and his friends had to live in the kings house and do what he said because they had been captured and brought to Babylon.    Instead of the name their parents had given them they had to get new names.

They were supposed to eat food that God told their people not to eat.  Daniel was polite.  He said yes and thank you but he couldn’t eat that bad food told that man that was a guard over them that if he let them eat only good food he would find out they would be healthier than all the other young men they lived with.  The guard agreed and it was true – they were healthier that all the other boys there. 

  God gave Daniel a special gift because he obeyed God’s word about food and Daniel could tell what peoples dreams meant.  That really helped him and his friends because when the king had a bad dream and no one could tell him what it meant so he got really angry and every body was in trouble. 

But Daniel was able to tell him what the dream meant so the king was happy and the trouble was over WHEW!  And also the king made Daniel a ruler over Babylon.

Puppet Story:  T – Teacher J – Joey

J- Oh boy – my stomach hurts really bad.

T-  Do you think you are going to throw up (hold him far away)

J- NO but it hurts because I ate all a whole bag of M&M’s and the a big bowl of ice cream.  I really tasted good but now my tummy hurts.

T  – Wow did your mom let you do that?

J- No she was on an important call with her boss and she didn’t see me.

T – What did she say when she found out what you did?

J – She told me that much sweets was not good for me so that is why my tummy and my head hurt.  She said she would not punish me because the tummy ache was punishment enough.

T – Yes our bodies do not work right when we eat too much food that is not good for us.  It is good to eat right.

J – Boy I sure found that out!!!!!!  (Give a puppet kiss to anyone who wants one.)

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Daniels Wisdom Props