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Daniels God Illustration by

Daniels God listened to him. He was faithful and trusted God.

Jealous men had him thrown to the lions But Daniels

god saved him.

Principle: Daniels God listened to him because Daniel was faithful to the Lord 

Bible Verse Daniels God: Daniel 6:1-28

Songs: O-B-E-Y; My God is so Big; Jesus loves me; When I go to bed.”  see the page “Find Songs”

Video: Read & Share Video Vol 4 #8 ” Find Video”

Props Daniels God : Lion Puppet, lion figures, pictures that show angesl watching over kids and pictures that show children obeying.  See Where to find resources mentioned in the lessons.

Bible Lesson Daniels God: Daniel was one of the rulers in Babylon.  He obeyed the King and was very helpful.  The other rulers were jealous and tried to get rid of him but they never succeeded, Daniel and the king were friends.  

One day they saw him at his window raising his hands up and worshiping God.  one of them said .  Aha this is what we will do we will have the king sign a decree that if anyone worships anyone besides the king he will be thrown to the Lions.  they got him to sign it and then they told the king he had to be thrown to the Lions because they saw him worshiping God. 

The king didn’t sleep all night beause he was afraid and worried.  He hurried to the lions den the next morning and called out “Daniel was your God able to save you?”  And of course God was able.  He closed the mouth of the lions and called back to the king ” My God sent an angel and closed the mouths of the lions.  I am not hurt at all.”

Then the king let Daniel out and threw the accusers into the den

Puppet Show Daniels God: T= Teacher L= Lion

T: Well hello Mr Lion

L: Hello My nae is Leo what’s yours

T: Well I am ……. and all these kids are in my class. (tell them to say hello to Mr Lion)

L: What you should be scared of me – Iam a lion and I am a Ki;ng Lion.

T;  Wow that is awsome.  But we don’t need to be agraid of you we have angels watching over us and they can close your mouth.  God’s Word says “He will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways.”

L:  Why did you have to talk about those angels – now I can’t do anything.  POOH!  (don’t let the lion give them kisses but squeaky can if they want one)

Play tracking game with Lions feet  (Have children follow paws until they find a stuffed lion.}

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Angels from Willie George magazine
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Angels from Willie George Magazine
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Daniels God Props