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Jonah and the Whale image source

Jonah refused to do what God asked him to, He ran away

He had the people throw him in the sea and a whale swallowed him.

Principles : We learn from Jonah that Disobedience gets us into trouble.  Good things happen when we obey.

Bible Verse: Jonah: 1-4 Eph 6:1Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.

Songs :  O-B-E-Y; I’m in the Lords Army (see songs)

Video : Read and Share DVD Bible Video   Vol 4 #6 – Our Bookstore bought the 4 Video set from Anchor Distributors – it is perfect for 2 and 3 year old’s – simple, short and biblically accurate (To Find it)

Props: book I don’t want to; a whale with Jonah inside ; stuffed whales for them to hold.  Pictures of obeying (Where to find)

Bible Lesson : God told Jonah to go tell some men who were mean and hurt others to repent (to say they were sorry) or they would get hurt.  Jonah was angry with them for hurting his friends and he didn’t want to go. 

He decided to get on a ship that went the other way.  A big storm came up while he was fast asleep.  The people on the boat woke him up.  He knew the storm was his fault so he had them throw him into the sea. They did’t want to but he told them it was the only way they could be safe.

A whale swallowed him – He didn’t bite him.   It was dark in there.  he waited three days and finally he told God he was sorry and the fish spit him out and he told the evil people to repent.  And they did and  they didn’t get hurt.

Puppet Story: T: Teacher J: Joey

T: Joey why do you have band aids all over you?

J: My mom told me not to go into the street but I didn’t listen.

T: What happened

J :I got hit by a bicycle.  My mom cried and prayed for me and gave me a big hug.  It was my fault but she was so happy I was not hurt worse.

T;  I think it is a good idea to listen to your mom and obey.   (give them puppet kisses if they want one.)

GAME:  Use Duck Duck Goose game and use Little fish Little Fish Big Fish.


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Props for Jonah