Jesus Feeds 5000
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Jesus Feeds 5000

A Little Boy Shares His Lunch and Jesus Multiplies it to Feed 5000

Principles Jesus Feeds 5000: Jesus Feeds 5000.  He saw they were hungry. Jesus loves every one of us the same way, and when He asks us to bless others He can use what we do in wonderful ways. 

Bible Verse:  John 6: 1-15

Songs:  My God is so Big; O-B=E-Y; Hosanna;  J-E-S-U-S  (Find songs)

Props Jesus Feeds 5000:  Book called ” What Can I Do” , loaves, fish,12 baskets, bag of coins, cotton balls (Find Sources)

Video: Vol 1 of Read and Share ( see “Where to find Resources mentioned in the lessons”.)

Bible Lesson:  Jesus went everywhere teaching people wonderful things and healing people who were sick.  One day he was on a hillside talking to five thousand people.  ( that’s a lot of people – just like all these rice grains in this dish.) 

Jesus had been talking and healing all day.  He was tired, His disciples were tired and they and all the people were hungry.  So Jesus said to his disciples “Where shall we buy food for these people to eat?”  (show money bag) The disciples didn’t know. 

They brought a young boy to Jesus who had brought a lunch of 5 loaves of bread and two fishes. He gave it to Jesus and Jesus looked up to heaven and blessed the boys gift and  wow there was lots and lots of fish and bread  = He had the 12 disciples take the fish and bread to all the people.

All the 5,000 people had enough to eat.  When they were finished giving it to all of them, there were 12 baskets left over. 

Puppet Show Jesus Feeds 5000:  T= Teacher J= Joey

Joey:  Boy wasn’t it wonderful what Jesus did with that boys lunch?  I wish I could have seen that.  Things like that don’t happen today.

T:  But they do – When people believe and ask God for help.  There are some people who work in Mexico ( a very poor country) and they feed poor people.  They asked God for help when the food ran out and there was enough for everyone to eat.

J:  But why doesn’t that happen to me?

T:  Well your mom has enough food for you but YOU can do like Jesus and the little boy did.  You don’t give away your lunh because you need it to grow strong and grow up.  But you can share with others (show them the But What Can I Do” Book or pictures or just tell them what they can give.

  1. do what your mom says to give her a smile
  2. Share a smile with a sad person
  3. share your favorite story
  4. Share your toys
  5. Give a flower to your aunt or grandmother
  6. Play with your little brother or sister
  7. Share your candy
  8. You can give money(give them money to put in the piggy bank for Jesus)

J: Do you mean if I only give one penny it helps.

T:  It sure does.  Your penny and other peoples pennies come out to be a lot of pennies.   (Give a puppet kiss to those who want one)

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Jesus Feeds 5000