Lame Healed
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Lame Healed

Four Men Bring Their Friend For Healing

They Made a hole in the Roof to get him to Jesus. And Jesus Healed him.

Principles Lame healed:  Jesus loves and is our healer and we can help our friends find Him.

Bible Verse Lame healed: Mark 2:1-12

Songs Lame healed:  Jesus Loves me; I’ve Got A Friend: If the Lord says I am healed then I am (Find Songs)

Video Lame healed:  I have not found one

Props: Box made to look like a house with a hole on top and picture of lame man with Jesus on the inside.  A pillowcase or mat with a doll for the kids to pick up on four corners to act out the story.  Heart with Jesus on it to explain salvation prayer. (sources)

Bible Lesson Lame healed: Jesus was very busy and very many people came to listen to Him.  He was inside his house teaching suddenly dirt and leaves starting falling on Him and the people inside.  Then suddenly they saw a hole in the roof and it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  Before long something starting coming down into the room from the hole. 

It was a very sick man on a stretcher.  His friends loved him so much that they  wanted him to get healed but they couldn’t get to Jesus so they made a hole in his roof and let their friend down. 

It was dangerous but they really really  wanted Jesus to heal him.  And He DID!  

There were some grumpy men in the room who didn’t like it when Jesus said that sick mans sins were forgiven.   But Jesus forgave him before he healed him.  Jesus told him to  pick up his stretcher and go home so those grumpy men didn’t have anything mean to say about that.  In fact they praised God that he was healed.

 Jesus still forgives us and heals us.  We need to ask him to do it for ourselves and our friends. If you ask Jesus in your heart your will be saved. (Show them the heart with Jesus picture on it. )God’s Word says “By His stripes we are healed”.  If you want your friends healed you can pray for them.  Ask if anyone is not feeling good and wants us to pray for them.

Puppet Show:   T = Teacher J = Joey

T:  Hi Joey.  You look happy today.  

I am so happy – My friend Rick was not feeling good so I asked Jesus to heal him – God’s Word says the by Jesus stripes we are healed so I put my hand on his head and asked Jesus to heal him and He did.  

T:  So do you know what stripes mean.  

J:  yes, some mean men hit Jesus with big whips and made Him bleed.

T:  Jesus loves us so much that he let them do that so WE could be healed.  We just need to ask Him to do it.