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Angel Visits

An Angel visits Mary and Joseph to tell them Jesus is going to be their baby.

Principles Angel Visits: An Angel visits Mary who loved and trusted God and followed his word.  She obeyed her mom and dad.  It is good to trust and obey God.  God sent the angel to ask Mary to be a Mother to Jesus.

Bible Verse Angel Visits: Matthew 1 and Luke 1

Songs Angel Visits: Nothing is Impossible with God, O-B-E-Y, I have Friend Find Songs

Props Angel Visits: Pictures of Angels helping kids, Pictures of Kids obeying Find Sources

Video Angel Visits:  Read and Share DVD Volume 1 #10 find video

Bible Lesson Angel Visits: Mary was a young girl who had never been married.  She knew about the prophet named Isiah who a long time ago had said that there would be a young girl who was not married who would have a baby called Immanuel (which means God with us}  and He will save us from our sins.  

Mary did not know she would be that girl.  But she was – an Angel came to see her and tell her that she would have a baby from God and she should call him Jesus.  Mary did’t understand how that could happen so the angel told her and she said “Let it happen just as you said.”

Joseph was not happy when he heard – He did not believe Mary, so another angel came to him and told him not to be afraid and to call the baby Jesus.

Mary and Joseph trusted that God sent those angels and when Jesus was born they gave him the name Jesus.

It is good to trust and obey God.

Puppet show: T: Teacher J: Joey

T: Hi Joey you look happy today.

J:  Yes I am !  You know sometimes it is hard to obey your mom and dad specially when you don’t understand why they tell you you can’t do things.

T:  Sometimes they know things that could hurt you and it is important to trust them.  They love you and want good things for you.

J: Well I know that’s true.  My Mom told me I couldn’t  go out to play with Timmy today.  I was angry and Timmy was angry.  She told Timmy he needed to stay inside today.

T: Did Timmy go back inside his house.

J: No he played out in his front yard.  But he was sorry that he did because it got very windy and blew his new red hat away.  It blew so far he couldn’t get it.  And his grandmother gave it to him.

T:  And now you know why your mom wouldn’t let you go outside.

J: Yes she was right and when I told her I was sorry for being angry she gave me a hug and a chocolate cookie.  She only gave me one because it was almost supper time and I need to eat a good supper.

T:  Yes, you need to eat healthy things so that you grow up strong.

Play Mother May I game.  He kids take turns being the mother.

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Angel Visits from Wilie George magazine