Adam and Eve Disobey God
Eve listened to the devil and ate from fruit the Lord said not to eat
Principles Adam and Eve: Adam and Eve disobeyed. God was sad but He still loved them and He had a plan to save them.
Bible Verse Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:9, 16-17 & 3:1-24
Songs Adam and Eve: O-b-e-y, be Careful little Eyes, Jesus loves me. (to find these songs)
Video: Read and Share DVD Bible volume 1 #2 ORDER VIDEO
Props Adam and Eve: Stand up tree, 2 soft snakes, obey pictures, Heart with Jesus on it, a blanket, stop light, stop sign, other signs to obey. (For finding props)
Bible Lesson Adam and Eve: God made the world and all the beautiful plants and animals. He also made Adam and Eve. They were very happy. The weather was wonderful and everything was beautiful. They could talk to the animals and Adam named them but they did not have to work hard like your mom and dad do. God only gave them a few rules to follow. He made those rules to protect them.(Use stop signs, other signs, and tree) He told them they could eat all they wanted to eat except for ONE tree. Te tree of life. They listened to God and did what he said until ONE DAY – a very sad day. Their enemy the devil used a snake to lie to Eve and tell her it that She wouldn’t get hurt if she ate it and God just didn’t want her to be like God. This was a lie but he made it sound good. Eve was already like God. Eve believed the lie and ate from the tree and gave some to Adam and he ate it to. Once they ate it they knew it was a bad thing to do and they got very afraid. When God came to talk to them he found them hiding. (use the blanket and say can you see me – “no” ” Can God see me. Yes. We can;t hide from God. Show picture of black heart.
God was very sad, He had to make them leave the the garden.
and then they had to work hard and life was not easy. (explain what it was like).
Now it is hard for us to obey God (talk about what is good and bad – Good example is Obey parents, pick up toys, share, help others, smile, happy attitude, loving brother or sister.
Bad Example is Throw a fit, pushing, not sharing, being unkind, yelling “no” instead of obeying. being mean to brothers ad sisters.)
Jesus came to take away our sins by dying on the cross for us. All we have to do is ask him to help us. We do that when we ask him into our heart (Pictures of black heart changed to clean heart.
Puppet Show: T Teacher J Joey
T: Hello Joey you look a little sad today.
J: That’s because I am – I pushed my baby brother and yelled at him because he broke my crayon and smeared my paper. And so mom had to punish me. I was very sorry I did it but I was more sorry that my mom was sad. She made me go to my room and I couldn’t get my snack.
T: Your mom knew that you could have really hurt your brother and you did not obey her because she told you to take care of your brother.
J: I know and she also said she would help me by giving me more crayons and helping me to be more kind by telling me that Jesus forgave the men who hurt him – He did that for us. God sent him after Adam and Eve sinned to save us.
T: That’s right Joey and we can ask Jesus to help us when we get angry and disobey. We just need to ask Him (Give puppet kisses to those who want one)
Game: Guess what fruit was on the Tree God told them not to eat from (Picture of tree and all kinds of fruit)