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Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel were brothers but Cain was Jealous of Abel and did not have any joy

Principles Cain and Abel:  Cain blamed Abel instead of admitting he was wrong to not give The Lord what the Lord asked him to give.  Abel did give and was blessed.

Bible Verse : Genesis 4 

Songs:  Iv’e Got that Joy Joy Joy down in my heart. o-b-e-y, Halelu (Find Songs)

Video: I didn’t find a video but used online for Mary Poppins laughing song.

Props Cain and Abel: black and clean hearts, obey pictures, glad and sad faces,fruits and vegetables, and sheep. Find Sources

Bible  Lesson Cain and Abel:  Adam and Eve had to leave the garden and work hard.  They began to have babies.  One was called Cain and one was called Abel. 

Cain was the oldest and grew crops like wheat and vegetables and fruit. 

Abel was the youngest and he took care of sheep.

They gave the lord  sacrifices but Cain’s heart was not right.  He was angry and jealous and he did not want to give the Lord anything.  Even thought The Lord gave him everything on the earth.  God warned him he needed to change his heart but he didn’t so the Lord blessed Abel who had a good heart  but he could not bless Cain.  We need to be like Abel and love God and forgive people who are mean to us.  It is hard but Jesus will help us (show black and clean hearts and talk about asking Jesus into our hearts.)

Puppet Show: T Teacher J Joey

T Well,  hello Joey you don’t look very happy today.

J That’s because I’m not happy.  My brother got to go to  the park with his friends and I had to stay home.

T Are you being punished for not obeying?

J Well Mom told me to let my brother have my tractor so he could pretend to plow up some dirt.  I wouldn’t let my brother play with my tractor.  It’s my tractor and I can be selfish if I want to. So there!

T Does your brother let you play with his toys?

J Yes he is such a whimp.  He even shares his candy with me.

T Doesn’t that make you feel good.

J I guess so but that doesn’t mean I have to share.

T That’s true but if you share you will feel good inside and it will make your parents happy and they will let you do more things.  Why don’t you ask Jesus to help you to share.  He will help you.

J grumbles and goes away. 

(Joey comes back later.)

J (excidetly)Guess what teacher  you were right. I asked Jesus to help me and when My brother and his friends came back I let them play with both my tractors.   I did feel good inside.  Later  my mom said because we played together so well we could have ice cream.

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Prop for Cain and Abel