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Abrahmas Promises

The Lord promised Abraham Children Too many to count!

The Lord promised Abraham a Son!

Principles Promises to Abraham: The Lord keeps His promises. It didn’t happen right away for Abraham and Sarah but it happened and their son was very special to them.   We have to wait sometimes but if we believe like Abraham did we will see the promises happen.

Bible Verse Promises to Abraham: Genesis 3:16,15:5,17:1-22; 18;10-14;21:1-3

Songs Promises to Abraham: Abraham had many sons; Obey; I Can; My God is so Big  (Find songs)

Video Promises to Abraham: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 1 #4

Props Promises to Abraham:  pictures from Concordia book of Noah, David, Elijah, Moses, Jesus  – (Gods promises that happened.) Stars, Sand and magnifying glass; pictures of what parents promise to us; baby doll(Isaac (means laughter); Bag and objects to put in it to see if they can remember what they were) (Find Sources)

Bible Lesson Abrahams Promises:  Abraham loved The Lord and did what The Lord told him to do.  He moved far away in a land he had never seen before.  The Lord said he would bless him and the Lord did.

Abraham was very rich – he had lot of sheep,goats, camels, and servants but there was something he did not have.  It made him and Sarah sad.

They did not have any children.  One day when God was talking to Abraham He promised he would give him a son.  (Did you know that all babies start out in heaven). He said his son would have sons and those sons would have sons and after a long time there would be so many sons that he wouldn’t be able to count t;hem (show sand and stars) Just like you can’t count all the sand and stars.

Abraham and Sarah were already old and they didn’t get a baby right away.  They waited and waited and waited.  Abraham got to be 99 years old and still not son.  But then one day it happened.  Their son was born and he was really really cute and they were so happy.  The Lord kept His promise! (Show baby doll)  Show OT pictures of promises The Lord made and kept.

Puppet Show: T= Teacher J = Joey

T:  Hi Joey you look happy today.

J: – I am so happy.  Mommy promised to take me to the zoo if I ate my supper and helped watch my sister Molly.  And we did go yesterday and I saw giraffes, and monkeys, and lions and funny penguins and scary Crocodiles and… and mommy promised me we would go to Lego world this summer.

T – Wow Joey that’s wonderful.  Your mom keeps her promises and The Lord does too.  And the best promise He kept was JESUS.

Joey:  Mom could’t take me the next day because it rained.  But I got to go on Saturday!

Give puppet kiss to those who want one.

Game:   Pick up objects – show them to the children as you put them in a bag – see how many they can remember.  We can’t see them but we know they are in there.  Just like we can’t see the promises until God gives them to us.  God loves us always and He keeps his promises.

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Props for Abraham’s Promises