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Tower of Babel

People on Earth were not Following God’s Plan They Wanted Their Own Plan

People on earth wanted to stay in one place and build a name for themselves instead of following God’s Plan so God confused their language and they had to go all over the earth.

Principles Tower of Babel: When God has a plan follow it and don’t want your own way or try to get famous  – you will end up being very sad. You will forget that God blesses what you do when you listen to Him..

Bible Verse Tower of Babel: Genesis 9:1;11: 1-9

Songs:  Obey; He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, God Made Me (Find these songs)

Video Tower of Babel:  Use the video Jesus Through Children’s Eyes from Anchor Publishing This video can be changed to different languages so you can put it on a different language to show why the people needed to understand each other.

Props Tower of Babel:   Pictures of this bible lesson; obey and disobey pictures,  Find Props

Bible Lesson Tower of Babel:  When Noah and his family left the Ark they started to plant food and raise animals like sheep.  Everybody spoke the same language.  They forgot what God had told them – to go all over the world.  They only cared about themselves.

A  man named Nimrod got them all excited about staying where they were and building a tower so high that it would reach up to heaven (That is really really tall.) –  then they would be famous (like football stars). This made the Lord sad because he knew that they would be able to do it but it would not be a good thing. (Like you could make a huge bowl of ice-cream and eat it but it would make you sick) 

God knew what to do to stop them.  He mixed up their words so that they could not understand each other.  Some people tired to say Hello but they said mambo, some said shalem  aleikem, some said Salut, some said Dia Duit some said Hej and some said Hola.  So the people that understood what others were saying went with those people and they moved all over the earth just like God planned for them to do. (Show them the video in a different language.)

Puppet Show Tower of Babel: Teacher = T Charlie = C

T – Hi Charlie what’s wrong you look sad.

C – Well I can’t help my friend do his homework because he doesn’t talk in English like I do.  He only speaks it a little bit.  He speaks Spanish very well but I don’t.  Why don’t all of us speak the same?

T:  Our Bible lesson today will explain it to you.  (Coach the children in telling him the lesson.)

C – Wow they should have done what God told them.  Then I could help my friend with his home work.

T:  That’s right Charlie .  God loves us and he wants us to do the right thing because it is better for us.

Game Tower of Babel:  Show them pictures of obeying and being kind with pictures of disobeying and doing wrong thing.  Have them tell you which is the right thing.

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Props for Tower of Babel