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Joseph A Slave

Joseph became a slave but he worked hard, had favor and became a ruler in Egypt

Principles Joseph A Slave: Joseph got sold by his brother, worked hard, got put in Jail but he didn’t give up.  Don’t get discouraged Ask God for help and he will help you and give you favor.

Bible Verse Joseph A Slave: Genesis 40 – 45

Video Joseph A Slave: Read and Share DVD Bible #1-4

Songs Joseph A Slave: I am Special; Jesus Loves Me; My God is So Big

Props:  Fat and skinny cows; full corn and skinny corn; crowns; broom and Shears; bakers hat and cup; black birds; sad and happy face.  Picture of cow that you can turn skinny  (for fun)

Bible Lesson Joseph A Slave:  Sometimes we get sad – like on days when it rains and we can’t go out to play.  How can we start to be happy.  We can ask Jesus to help us.  We can remember that tomorrow Grandma is coming and we know that it doesn’t rain everyday.  Joseph had some very baad days but he stayed happy because He knew God loved him and would tur  it out for good.  First his brothers got very angry and sold him to some mean people who took him to Egypt and sold him as a slave (Show  a broom and shears and talk about what slaves had to do). He worked really hard and God gave him favor with his owner.  That means he liked him.

But then a lady lied and  they put Joseph in Jail.  He had favor there too.    He was in charge of all the prisoners and he saw that there food was hot and their covers got washed.  When Joseph was sad he remembered the dreams the Lord gave him.  He knew God was going to make it all good.

A cup bearer and a baker got sent to the jail where Joseph was.  They both had a dream and Joseph could tell people what dreams meant because God showed him.  So he told them what their dreams meant and what they dreamed happened.  So the cup bearer promised to get him out of prison.

BUT HE FORGOT!  So Joseph had lots more bad days – He waited and waited.

Then the king of the country (Pharoah) had bad dreams about fat and skinny cows and fat and skinny corn.  No one could tell him what it meant until the cup bearer remembered Joseph and Joseph told him what it meant and the king was so pleased the he did that and that he could tell the king what to do that he made him ruler over the whole country  and only pharoah  was more important than him.

And then you know what happened! I am going to make a long story shorter  – His brothers came to buy food and Joseph forgave them.  Then they all came to live in Egypt with him.  God made Joseph famous.

Puppet Show Joseph A Slave:  T = Teacher J = Joey

T: Joey yiu look really happy.

J: Yes I had so much fun today.  I went to the Zoo and saw monkeys and lions and tigers and got an ice cream cone.

T: That sure sounds like fun.

J: Yesterday I was not happy.  My dad forgot we were going to the Zoo and made an appointment at work.

T: I can see that was sad.  That’s when you had to ask Jesus to make you happy.

J: Yes I did and mom did take me to the park. And when Dad came home from work he promised we would go today and we DID!

Give puppet kissed to those who want them.

Let the kids pretend to clean up the room or cook with bakers hat and be happy about it.

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Props for Joseph A Slave