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Moses sees Burning Bush not consumed)

Moses Hears the Lords Voice from a Burning Bush

The Lord talks to Moses

Principles Burning Bush: God spoke to Moses in a burning bush and had him go to Pharoah.  He gave him spedial powers to help him.   When God asks us to do something we may be afraid but we do it anyway.

Bible Verse Burning Bush: Exodus 3

Songs Burning Bush: O-B-E-Y, My God is so Big, Jesus watches over me  Song Resources

Video Burning Bush: Read and Share DVD Bible volume 2 #6

Props: Large Red Candle; Sandals; bush in a pot

Bible Lesson: Do you see this bush?  It green and big and beautiful.  If I would burn it, it would made it all black and dark and ugly.  Well Moses was watching some sheep.  He was in trouble with Pharoah so he had to leave Egypt and this family helped him out.  He even married on the girls in the family.  He was watching the sheep for his father in law.  He saw something strange.  He saw a bush – it was like all the other bushes around but it was on fire.  He went closer to see and would you believe there was fire all over the bush but it was not burning.  Fire burns, that is why you should never play with matches. Candle burning – you can feel the heat above it. 

When Moses got close to the bush to see that it was burning but did not burn up.  He jumped.  He heard a voice.  It was the Lord and he told Moses to take his shoes (sandals) off because he was standing on holy ground.  The Lord talked to Moses for a long time.

Then the Lord told Moses that he wanted him to go back to Egypt and tell Pharoah to “Let My People Go.”  The Lord had heard the His people crying for help and he was sending Moses to help.  Moses was afraid and he told the Lord he was.  God gave him special powers to help him out.  Even though the Lord said he would be with him he was still afraid,  so the Lord told Moses his brother Aaron could help.  He also told him Pharoah would not want to listen to Him so he would have to use those special powers.. 

The Lord told Moses to to throw his staff on the ground and when he didit turned into a snake.  That would get Pharoah’s attenton and the Lord’s people would believe that the Lord sent Moses.

Puppet Show Burning Bush: T Teacher S Sheep

T Hello Mr Sheep you look happy today!

S Well that’s because I am I had  wonderful day yesterday.

T that’s wonderful – what happened.

S Well you see this guy Moses is taking care of us and we were all eating grass and playing and all that stuff – you know things that sheep do and then all of a sudden Moses ran over to this bush.

T Was it a pretty bush?

S  It sure was but the strangest thing happened – the bush was on fire but it wasn’t burning

T Only God to do that to a bush

S And it was God and he told Moses to take his shoes off and then God talked to him for a very long time.

T Wow the Lord talked to him

S Yes and He must have a big job for him because he left us with all these girls in the family and went back to Egypt.  And that is why I am so happy because all these girls are beautiful and full of fun.  I am glad Moses listened and obeyed God.  (puppet kisses only for those who want one.)

GAME Burning Bush:  Kids sit in a circle and one kid is Moses and gives them directions (like stand up, clap your hands, sit down, smile, turn around, bend over, etc.

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Props for Burning Bush
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