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Pharoah Said No

The Lord sent Moses to tell Pharoah to let the Lord’s People go.

Pharoah Said No. The Lord had to allow yucky things to happen.

Principles Pharoah says No: Pharoah would not let the people go.  Because he would not listen God had to let yucky things happened.  The Lord protects and heals us when we listen to Him.  We need to do what He says.

Bible Verse Pharoah says No:  Exodus 4-13

Songs Pharoah says No: My God is so Big; Jesus always watches over me;He’s got the whole world (songs are on the page of this site called “Where to find resources mentioned in the lessons.”

Video Pharoah says No: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 2 #7

Props Pharoah says No: staff,snakes, frogs, gnats, grasshoppers, flies, darkness, hail(rocks or marbles in paper roll), cows and horses, boils (hand with dot stickers),masks with holes covered for darkness.

Bible Lesson Pharoah says No:  The Lord’s people were slaves and the Lord sent Moses and his brother Aaron to speak to the Pharoah who ruled the country to tell him to let His people go.  Pharoah didn’t know the Lord and he was not happy when Moses and Aaron said The Lord said “Let my people go”  so he said “no!!!!!!!”. He did not obey! Moses and Aaron warned him there would be trouble but he would not give in.

Every time Pharoah said no the Lord sent a plague and he would relent but then when the plague left he would say “NO”.

Have picutures and example of plagues.  Say “Let my people go”  Have the kids say   “NO!!!!!!!” Show the plagues in a light way – throw the frogs and bugs all over the kids (they love this if you tell them what you are going to do).

plagues are snakes, blood, frogs, nats, flies, cattle die, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness.  ( I do not do the first born dieaths – I believe this is too scary for young children).

Tell them that only the people of Pharoah (the Egyptians) got hit with the plagues, The Lord’s people didn’t. The Lord watches over his people.  

Well,  finally Pharoah let the people go – they left Egypt forever!  Whew!!!!!! The Lord takes care of his people – we are his people when we ask Jesus in our heart and he takes care of us.

Show Video:

Puppet Show Pharoah says No: T = Teacher  J = Joey 

J (With a band-aid over his eye) Oh teacher my eye hurts!

T Oh Joey I’m sorry – what happened to you?

J Well my mom told me not to play with matches.  But I wanted to play with them so today I snuck a box of matches  out of the kitchen.

T You disobeyed – you said no!

J I said no and then I caught some leaves on fire and the wind blew some into my eye.  Why didn’t God watch over me.  The bible says He watches over me.

t:  I wasn’t God’s fault.  You let it happen when you didn’t listen to your mom.  God’s Word also says “children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right and it will be well with you.”

J You are right.  It would not have happened if I had listened to my mom.

T Yes but God is not mad at you.  God’s  word also says we are healed so we are going to pray for you! ( have kids come up and pray)

J Oh teacher it feels better already.  It stopped stinging.  Thank you Jesus, thank you boys and girls.

T: Lets all thank Jesus.

(give puppet kisses to the children who want one – give them the choice.

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Props for Pharoah says No