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God Showed the mother of Baby Moses how to care for him and kept him safe

Jesus watches over you just like Moses’s mother did – Believe that this is true.

Principle Baby Moses: God saved Baby Moses. If you are afraid remember God watches over us.  His gives us parents to take care of us.

Bible Reference Baby Moses: Exodus 2

Principle Baby Moses: God saved Baby Moses. If you are afraid remember God watches over us.  His gives us parents to take care of us.

Bible Reference: Exodus 2

Songs Baby Moses: Jesus always watches over me; When I go to bed; He’s Got the whole world in his hands. Song Resources

Video Baby Moses: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 2 # 5

Props Baby Moses: Take home rings with baby stickers on  them (to remind them that God watches over them)  I found baby angels and cut their wings off; Basket with baby in it; craft -water with slot for baby on a popsicle stick;

Bible Lesson Baby Moses: Told by Daisy Duck = D and Teacher =T

T: what happened Daisy – you look tired 

D: I am tired I am so glad that’s over – I saw this mom and I couldn’t believe it – she was putting her baby in a basket covered in some black stuff and then she stuck it in the river.  I decided to follow the basket to see if I could help but I got scared because I heard someone coming up behind me.  I said “Who are you?” She whispered  “Sush I’m his sister – I am following to see if what my mom said was true.  “What did she say?” I asked.  His sister  wispered “she said ‘ God gave me this idea and he is going to take care of our baby.'”.  

So we followed, and followed, and followed.  Sometimes we had to run.

T: No wonder you are tired.

D:  Well his sister carried me part of the way.  We finally came to a stream where a lady was taking a bath.  When she saw the basket she had someone get it and she found the baby.  She pulled him out of the basket and said “I pulled him out of the water so his name will be Moses.  She saw Moses’ sister and said – “You are a Hebrew (they were her slaves) Moses’s sister said to her.  “Do you want me to find a nurse for him?”.  and the lady said “yes – someone to  care for him until he got older.”

T:  Did she take him to her mother. 

D:  She sure did.  Boy that was a really scary time.

T: But you didn’t need to be aftaid because God took care of him.

D:  And its a good thing he did there are crocodiles in that water.

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Game Baby Moses: Have kids pretend to be crocidiles (one arm up and one out – move upper arm up and down)  Kids run past him but he can’t get close enough to get them.

Songs Baby Moses: Jesus always watches over me; When I go to bed; He’s Got the whole world in his hands. Song Resoures

Video: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 2 #5

Props: Take home rings with baby stickers on  them (to remind them that God watches over them)  I found baby angels and cut their wings off; Basket with baby in it; craft -water with slot for baby on a popsicle stick;

Bible Lesson: Told by Daisy Duck = D and Teacher =T

T: what happened Daisy – you look tired 

D: I am tired I am so glad that’s over – I saw this mom and I couldn’t believe it – she was putting her baby in a basket covered in some black stuff and then she stuck it in the river.  I decided to follow the basket to see if I could help but I got scared because I heard someone coming up behind me.  I said “Who are you?” She whispered  “Sush I’m his sister – I am following to see if what my mom said was true.  “What did she say?” I asked.  His sister  wispered “she said ‘ God gave me this idea and he is going to take care of our baby.'”.  

So we followed, and followed, and followed.  Sometimes we had to run.

T: No wonder you are tired.

D:  Well his sister carried me part of the way.  We finally came to a stream where a lady was taking a bath.  When she saw the basket she had someone get it and she found the baby.  She pulled him out of the basket and said “I pulled him out of the water so his name will be Moses.  She saw Moses’ sister and said – “You are a Hebrew (they were her slaves) Moses’s sister said to her.  “Do you want me to find a nurse for him?”.  and the lady said “yes – someone to  care for him until he got older.”

T:  Did she take him to her mother. 

D:  She sure did.  Boy that was a really scary time.

T: But you didn’t need to be aftaid because God took care of him.

D:  And its a good thing he did there are crocodiles in that water.

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Game: Have kids pretend to be crocidiles (one arm up and one out – move upper arm up and down)  Kids run past him but he can’t get close einough to get them.

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Props For baby Moses