Principles Joshua Obeys: Joshua and the army did what the Lord said so they had victory
Bible Verse Joshua Obeys: Joshua 6
Songs Joshua Obeys: I’m In the Lord’s Army; What a Mighty God We Serve; Joshua and the battle of Jericho. Israel went round the wall.
VideoJoshua Obeys: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 3 # 1
Props Joshua Obeys: horns; swords; Ark; wall (dark blanket over chairs or paper bricks, or brown bags crumpled to look like rocks, or paper looking like rocks over chairs.)
Bible Lesson Joshua Obeys: After they were in a desert for 40 years because they did not obey The Lord’s people finally were able to go into the promised land. Moses had died so Joshua was their leader. They crossed over a river called Jordan when God made a path for them – just like at the Red Sea. Then The Lord told Joshua what to do next. This time the Lord’s people did what The Lord said.
There was a city called Jericho and the people their locked all their gates, so no one could go in or out. They were very afraid. They got even more afraid when the Army did what the Lord told them to do.
First the army marched around the walls of a city called Jericho for 6 days. They did not say a word they just marched. Let’s do this around our wall. (Paper made to look like a wall around a row of chairs. or if you have paper blocks you can make a wall with them.) Do it six times.
Then on the seventh day the priests carried the ark and blew trumpets as they walked around the wall. (Give the children horns to blow) And the army obeyed God and shouted and shouted. (You may have to hold your ears shut when the children shout)
And when they shouted the walls fell down and they were able to take the City.
That wall was huge – only The Lord’s Angels could have knocked it down and they did because the Army obeyed the Lord.
Puppet Show Joshua Obeys: J = Joey T= Teacher
T Good morning Joey (Joey won’t talk) Good morning Joey!
T Joey why won’t you talk?
J Well I just wanted to see how long I could be quiet but I just had to be polite and say good morning.
T Lets all tell Joey “Good Morning” It’s good Joey that you are trying to follow directions and be quiet.
J That’s what people of Israel did. They followed God’s directions and didn’t make noise for 6 days when they walked around the wall. I don’t think I could have done that.
T That had to be very hard but they knew if they obeyed they would have victory and they did. (give the children who want one a puppet kiss)
Have the children be very very quiet and then when you raise your hand they can shout!