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Ten Lepers IMAGE BY

Jesus Healed 10 Lepers but only One Came Back to say Thank You

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Ten Lepers – Thanksgiving Props

Props: pictures of One Leper who gave thanks and thanksgiving pictures, story of Candy Canary from Willie George Magazine More Info.

Principles: Be grateful to the Lord for who you are, what you have and what He has done for you.

Bible Verse: Luke 17: 11-19
Songs: I will enter His Gates, We thank God for….. , I am Special Find words here

Video: Read and Share DVD Bible Volume 4 #10 ORDER IT HERE

Bible Lesson: Hold up your hands we are going to count our fingers. We have ten and our Bible lesson today is about 10 men who were called Lepers and what they had was contagious so people ran away from them so they wouldn’t get leprosy.

But Jesus was able to heal people so when they came to Him, He was not afraid of their germs. He healed them.

He told them to go to the priests and tell them what had happened. They got so excited and were jumping up and down and then ran to tell the priests so that they could go back to be with their families (The priest had to inspect them to make sure the leprosy was gone.)

They forgot to say thank you to Jesus Except there was one man who came back to Jesus and knelt down and thanked Him. That made Jesus very happy and it makes Him happy also when we say thank you.

I will tell you a story about a boy named Sam who smashed his fingers – ouch. He couldn’t use his hands because his fingers hurt. That’s when he knew why God made hands and he remembered to thank him. And his mom prayed for him and his fingers got healed.

Here is a Poem about Hands: Fingers are for feeling things things both soft and hard Thing such as sharp icicles, or clean snow in your yard. Fingers are for holding things Crayons, or a cup. Fingers are for petting a soft kitten or pup, Fingers can make happy tunes, touching piano keys. Fingers can play “Simon Says”. So touch your toes, touch your knees!
Fingers can do many things, God made them oh so fine! I’m glad God gave us fingers, I thank you God for mine.
Puppet Show: Suzy = S Teacher = T T Suzy why do you look so sad?
S I hurt my knee, I can’t find my doll and my brothers got to go to a football game with dad.
T I know how you can feel better!
S How?
T By thinking of all the good things God has given you and then telling Him Thank You!
S I’ll try! Thank you God for parents, toys, good , friends, trees, you died for me.
S Your’e right teacher I am feeling Better – Thank you God! (Give puppet kisses to those who want one.)

Other Thanksgiving Ideas:
Make game board with things in the Tic Tac Toe squares to thank God for (see prop pictures) Give them markers (buttons or similar objects) When you call out what to be thankful for they put a button on that picture. Same rules as Tic Tac Toe.

Read story of Candy Canary (canary in pet store wants to be pretty like other birds so paints her feathers and then falls into water tank. The owner rescues her and explains she needs to be thankful for her beautiful voice. ( I play a CD of a canary singing)

Read Adam Raccoon and the big dinner To Order

Game: Throw ball to child and he tells what he is thankful for. Read Story about First Thanksgiving then pretend we are pilgrims on a boat coming to the new worldl. They are cold and hungry and the indians help them. Later they have feast together.