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God’s Creation of The World

In the Beginning God Spoke to make the world

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Props for God Created The World

Props: Pictures of earth from Space and then pictures of things God created. Books about Creation and Pamphlet I made called God made the World, box painted black on inside and a flashlight.

Principles: God made a beautiful world for us. When He did he said "It is good."

Bible Verse: Genesis 1

Songs: to tune of Frere Jaques God created, God Created, Night and day, night and day This was on the first day this was on the first day And it was good, it was good: I am Special; This is The Day; God Made a Wonderful World Find Songs Here

Video Read And Share DVD Bible Volume 1 #1

Bible Lesson: Before God made the world everythng was dark.(Have a box black on the inside to show the dark and a small flashlight to turn on so they can see what light does to darkness. (Show them the pamphlet as you tell them how God made the world.) God spoke – He used words. And with His words he make the world in 6 days. He said "It is good" each time He made something new.

Before He made the world He said let there be light and now we have day light and night time. He said let there be clouds and sky and now we have them. He said let there be seas and dry land and plants and we have a beautiful earth. He said let there be sun and moon and stars and now we do.

But he wasn’t finished yet! He said let there be animals and birds and fish and the earth is full of them.

Last of all he made man out of earth. Then he stopped. On day 7 God rested and we rest every 7th day too (Sunday)

He caused all the things on earth to multiply. God made a wonderful world. (Show them pictures of earth from outer space and all the things God created.) Have the children thank him for each of them.

Puppet Show: T Teacher J Joey
J Hey teacher I saw the moon last night!
T You did ? Did you see a face in it?
J Yah, mom said people cll it the man in the moon but really sin’t a man.
T No it’s only rocks.
J But teacher how did the moon et there. How did the sun get there?
T Kids, Joey doesn’t know who made the moon and the sun – can you tell him?
J Wow God made the sun and moon and stars, the sky, and fish and birds, and even me.
T That’s right Joey, He made it all because He loves us.

(Give puppet hugs to those that want one)

Give them heats to help them remember that God loves them.